In 2020, during the months of march, april and may we had a very strict lockdown in Spain. During this time I made a series of self portraits. It was like following therapy for me. I had to get up early because only in the morning between 8.30 and 9.30 A.M. the sun was shining on the walls of my studio. I had a goal to reach. While I was doing the self-portraits, I realized that what I was really doing was investigating the feminine or femininity, mine, everyone else.... The beauty, the limits, the prejudices, the games of seduction, the different roles that we occupy throughout our lives. To express it later with lights and shadows. As in life itself, without light there is no shadow, nor there is shadow without light. A double game, or a triple because I am a photographer and a model at the same time...
En 2020, durante la cuarentena estricta hice esta serie de autorretratos. Era muy terapéutica para mí, tenía una meta y había que levantarse pronto ya que solo durante una hora, de 8.30 a 9.30 horas más o menos entraba el sol en mi estudio. Mientras estaba haciendo los autorretratos me di cuenta de que lo que realmente estaba haciendo era investigar lo feminino o la feminidad, la mía, la de todas. La belleza, los límites, los prejuicios, los juegos de seducción, los diferentes roles que ocupamos a lo largo de nuestra vida... para expresarlo luego con luces y sombras. Como en la vida mismo, sin luz no hay sombra, ni sombra sin luz. Un doble juego, o triple porque soy fotógrafa y modelo al mismo tiempo.